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Where might your sales be today if, during the past three years, every single contact within your database had been hearing on a regular basis from your reps in a meaningful, helpful manner?

If you’re like every other business owner or sales managers we’ve interviewed, you probably guessed around “double”.

Our job is to help get your reps “unstuck” from their current sales plateaus.

To immediately and permanently increase sales activities, we act as their personal marketing arm (to build their personal brand), their personal secretary (to keep them organized and reduce their administrative tasks) and their personal sales coach (to add tools to their toolbox).

A team of seasoned sales professionals teamed up to create the Cyrano Service (using proprietary technology developed by a marketing/communications firm). We interviewed top-producing reps in many, many diverse selling environments and found a clear, predictable pattern: The longer they were in their career, and the more successful they became, the less time they had for prospecting and nurturing activities that brought them their original successes!

Because our “done-for-you” service requires no new software, no new training/technologies, and we do 90% of the prospecting/nurturing for your reps, they will LOVE the service! We do all the work, make them look like heroes and organize the last little bit for them (phone call reminders, so they can take credit for all the helpful, relevant articles we email out on their behalf).

Lastly, we create built-in accountability by emailing to YOU a “Weekly Activity Report” that clearly shows each rep’s number of phone calls closed, phone calls open, emails sent, contacts added, etc.; trending back 8 weeks. You will be able to tell—immediately—which reps deserve a pat on the back and which ones need a push.

sales manager training

Should you decide to engage with us, we can also run assessments on each salesperson to determine personality type and internal motivators/values. We will then help you learn how to manage, monitor and motivate each rep as an individual. This will not only improve performance, but will also help you move from “position” power to “personal” power! You will enjoy a reduction in turnover along with steady, predictable sales growth.

We will work with your reps, one-on-one, to export their existing contacts, clean the list, arrange into “buckets” by type of relationship and then execute THEIR “touch campaigns” for each group remotely. We will source and send helpful, relevant articles (from their email address) and then automatically schedule phone call reminders for them at predetermined times. While they’re sleeping, we will organize their upcoming day and email to them a clean list of people to call (along with contact info, phone number and relevant notes). Additionally, we will also email to them a list of people that will begin receiving emails from them later in the day (so they’re not surprised when they get a reply or call you to thank them).

Last point: Should you need to replace a rep, we can plug the new rep into the system, email out introductions to the old rep’s contacts, schedule introductory phone call reminders and every single touch that was previously scheduled will go out from the new rep! Zero “hiccups” in your business relationships!

Imagine where your sales might be today had you been working with us for the past three years!

For details, call Scott Zimmerman at: 330-848-0444 or email: Scott (at) CyranoService dot com.