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Sales Growth: More “at Bats” or Hit Various “Pitches”?

Which would help your sales team the most: more “at bats” (opportunities to sell) or learning how to hit all four pitches (selling to all four buying styles)?

If you’re confident that the people you have hired and trained are adept at selling, our sales enablement services will provide them with more opportunities to sell to more fully developed prospects.

On the other hand, if your team is getting plenty of opportunities, but their closing ratios are poor, they would benefit from mastering an adaptive, collaborative sales conversation that is appealing to buyers of all four behavioral styles. Our online, self-paced “Platinum Rule for DISC Sales Mastery” program will help them.

High D = Directing Style = “Blazing fastball, right down the middle of the plate”. They will challenge you and it happens very quickly. Nothing fancy… just the facts. Once they see how what you are offering will give them an advantage or a new profit center, they’ll begin buying immediately.

High I = Socializing Style = “Hard slider”. They buy quickly and the only difference is a slight curve; you have to get them selling your products or services to themselves! Ask them open-ended questions, keep them between the rails and you will very, very quickly have a buyer. Of all the styles, these folks suffer from “buyer’s remorse”, so you have to offer continual assurances of a proper decision.

High C = Thinking Style = “Straight change-up”. Nothing fancy… just the facts, but ALL the facts. Way slower than a fastball and requires a LOT of patience. They will painstakingly try to poke holes in whatever it is you are proposing. They will shop. They will compare. They will look for ways to reduce or eliminate risks.

High S = Relating Style = “Knuckleball”. It’s slow and it flutters. No one knows which direction it will dip or curve. Alternates between facts and feelings. Wants to know everything involved and how the decision(s) will impact others on the team.
